Thursday, November 10, 2011

Honda Shows Off Micro Commuter Concept in Advance of the Tokyo Motor Show

If we did not know better [...], we would say Honda raised a few pages right out of the manual BMW "I" series when it came to details of their 2011 Tokyo Motor Show car commuter related concept of micro .

Look closer and you may find some similarities in some key elements of the design (note: not the shape of the car, but the details) between the concept car Honda and BMW i3 and i8 studies as multi-layer surfaces and light blue accent colors.

Then again, only for us. You can view the images after the break and decide for yourself whether we are right or not.

If you've read previous stories about the little Honda EV Sports Car and AC-X plug-in hybrid concepts of the family, you will not be surprised to learn that Japanese society is to keep a lid on most of the details of the Commuter Micro.

This is all information we receive Honda press release:

"One of the micro-futuristic suburb of electricity will become a very accessible form of mobility. This vehicle will provide the joy of a new type of communication between people and outdoor mobility and the owner can enjoy the customization of the most casual.'s collaboration Honda motorcycle and automobile R & D has to load the COMPO two-wheeled motor vehicle in the commuter EV. "

More to come at the Tokyo Motor Show opens 42nd November 30.



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